Cyber Awareness

Navigating the World of Social Media: A Parent’s Guide to Platforms Popular with Kids


Joseph Morgan


September 9, 2023



Hey there, parents, guardians, and caregivers! Are you feeling a bit lost in the maze of social media platforms your kids are using these days? You’re not alone. Social media is like the Wild West for our young ones—a place full of opportunities but also rife with dangers. This article aims to be your trusty map through this digital frontier. We’ll explore the most popular platforms among kids, delve into their specific risks, and highlight safety features to ensure cyber safety. So, are you ready to become the sheriff of your child’s social media town? Let’s dive in!


The Big Players: Social Media Platforms Your Kids Are Using

In the digital landscape, various social media platforms serve as the primary hubs for social interaction, content creation, and information dissemination for young users. These platforms, each with its unique set of features and community guidelines, offer a plethora of opportunities for learning, socialisation, and entertainment. However, they also present a myriad of risks, including data privacy issues, exposure to inappropriate content, and the potential for cyberbullying.


  • Educational Content: Many platforms offer a wide range of educational materials, from academic tutorials to life skills lessons.
  • Creativity: Platforms like TikTok and Instagram serve as outlets for creative expression, allowing kids to showcase their talents and interests.
  • Social Interaction: These platforms provide a virtual space for kids to connect with friends and engage in social activities.


  • Overexposure: The risk of sharing too much personal information is high, leading to potential privacy breaches.
  • Cyberbullying: The anonymous nature of these platforms makes them fertile ground for cyberbullying and harassment.
  • Addiction: The addictive design of these platforms can lead to excessive screen time, impacting physical health and academic performance.

TikTok: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

TikTok has rapidly evolved into a cultural phenomenon, particularly among younger audiences. The platform offers a unique blend of entertainment, creativity, and social interaction but is not without its pitfalls.


  • Creativity Boost: TikTok serves as a platform for creative expression, allowing users to produce and share short-form videos on a variety of subjects.
  • Educational Content: The platform hosts a multitude of educational channels that offer quick tutorials and insights on a wide range of topics.
  • Community Building: TikTok allows users to engage with communities of like-minded individuals, providing a sense of belonging and social support.


  • Addictive Nature: The platform’s algorithm is designed to keep users engaged for extended periods, contributing to screen addiction.
  • Inappropriate Content: Despite community guidelines, the platform still hosts content that may be inappropriate or harmful for younger audiences.
  • Peer Pressure: The platform’s culture often promotes trends that may encourage risky behaviour, such as dangerous challenges or pranks.

Instagram: More Than Just Pictures

Instagram is primarily a visual platform that allows users to share photos and videos, either publicly or within a private network of followers. While it offers various avenues for self-expression and connectivity, it also poses several risks, particularly for younger users.


  • Self-expression: Instagram serves as a canvas for various forms of artistic expression, including photography, art, and short-form video content.
  • Educational Accounts: The platform hosts numerous educational accounts that offer valuable insights and information on a wide range of subjects.
  • Business Opportunities: For older teens, Instagram offers a platform for entrepreneurial ventures, including e-commerce and influencer marketing.


  • Comparison Culture: The platform’s focus on visual content often fosters a culture of comparison, contributing to body image issues and low self-esteem among younger users.
  • Privacy Concerns: The risk of oversharing personal information, either through posts or location tags, can lead to privacy breaches.
  • Ads and Consumerism: The platform’s algorithm often promotes consumerist behaviour, exposing users to a constant stream of advertisements and sponsored content.


Snapchat: Ephemeral but Not Harmless

Snapchat offers a unique feature that sets it apart from other social media platforms: the ephemeral nature of its content. Messages, photos, and videos disappear after they have been viewed, providing a sense of privacy and impermanence. However, this feature also poses unique risks.


  • Privacy: The temporary nature of Snapchat’s content provides a level of privacy that is often lacking in other social media platforms.
  • Creative Tools: Snapchat offers a variety of creative tools, including filters, stickers, and augmented reality features, that enhance user engagement.
  • Storytelling: The platform’s ‘Stories’ feature allows users to create narrative sequences, fostering storytelling skills and creativity.


  • False Security: The ephemeral nature of the content can lull users into a false sense of security, encouraging risky behaviour under the assumption that the evidence will disappear.
  • Screen Recording: Despite the temporary nature of the content, other users can capture screenshots or use screen recording tools, making the content permanent.
  • Stranger Danger: The platform allows for anonymous messaging, increasing the risk of contact with unknown or potentially harmful individuals.

YouTube: The Double-Edged Sword

YouTube is a video-sharing platform that offers a diverse range of content, from educational tutorials to entertainment videos. While it serves as a valuable resource for learning and relaxation, it also poses several risks, particularly for unsupervised younger users.


  • Diverse Learning: YouTube hosts content on virtually every subject imaginable, serving as a valuable educational resource.
  • Skill Development: The platform offers numerous tutorials that teach various skills, from cooking to coding.
  • Entertainment: With a vast array of content catering to different tastes and interests, YouTube serves as a significant source of entertainment.


  • Inappropriate Content: Despite community guidelines and age restrictions, the platform hosts content that may be inappropriate for younger viewers.
  • Ads: Many videos feature embedded advertisements, some of which may be inappropriate or misleading.
  • Time Sink: The platform’s algorithm is designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible, contributing to screen addiction.

Facebook: Still in the Game

While Facebook may have lost its appeal among younger audiences, it remains a significant player in the social media landscape. The platform offers various features, including text posts, photo sharing, and a range of interactive games and apps.


  • Connectivity: Facebook allows users to stay connected with friends and family, serving as a platform for social interaction and community building.
  • Groups: The platform hosts numerous groups that cater to various interests and communities, providing avenues for socialisation and learning.
  • Information: Many organisations and institutions use Facebook to disseminate information, making it a valuable resource for news and updates.


  • Data Privacy: Facebook has faced numerous controversies regarding its handling of user data, raising concerns about data privacy and security.
  • Misinformation: The platform has been criticised for its role in the spread of misinformation, including fake news and conspiracy theories.
  • Mature Content: Despite age restrictions and community guidelines, younger users may still be exposed to content that is inappropriate or harmful.

Twitter: A World of Words

Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows users to post short messages, or ‘tweets,’ and interact with others through replies, retweets, and likes. While it serves as a valuable platform for real-time information and discussions, it also poses several risks.


  • Real-time Updates: Twitter serves as a real-time news platform, providing up-to-date information on a wide range of subjects.
  • Diverse Voices: The platform hosts a diverse range of voices and perspectives, fostering a more inclusive environment.
  • Educational Threads: Many users utilise the ‘thread’ feature to provide educational content, breaking down complex subjects into easily digestible tweets.


  • Overwhelming Information: The real-time nature of the platform can make it overwhelming, particularly during significant news events or controversies.
  • Trolls and Bullying: Twitter is notorious for its trolling culture, and harassment can be a significant issue.
  • Mature Themes: The platform hosts discussions on a wide range of subjects, some of which may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

Discord: The Gaming Chatroom

Discord is a communication platform primarily used for video gaming communities, although it has expanded to include various other user groups. It offers features like voice chat, video calls, and text, making it a versatile platform for social interaction.


  • Community Building: Discord allows users to join servers that cater to their interests, providing a sense of community and belonging.
  • Real-time Chat: The platform offers real-time messaging and voice chat, enhancing the social experience.
  • Study Groups: Discord has become popular among students for group study sessions, facilitated by its various communication features.


  • Unmoderated Servers: Not all servers have active moderation, making them susceptible to the spread of harmful or inappropriate content.
  • Stranger Interaction: The platform allows for anonymous participation, increasing the risk of contact with potentially harmful individuals.
  • Addictive: The real-time nature of the platform can make it addictive, contributing to excessive screen time.

Roblox: Not Just a Game

Roblox is a unique platform that allows users to design, create, and play games created by other users. It offers a range of genres and styles, making it a versatile platform for gaming and social interaction.


  • Creativity: Roblox provides a platform for creative expression, allowing users to create their own games and experiences.
  • Learning: The platform offers an introduction to basic coding and game design principles, serving as an educational resource.
  • Social Interaction: Roblox allows for multiplayer gaming, providing a social experience for users.


  • In-game Purchases: The platform features in-game purchases, which can encourage overspending.
  • Stranger Danger: The social nature of the platform increases the risk of contact with unknown individuals.
  • Time-consuming: The immersive nature of the platform can contribute to excessive screen time, impacting other activities.

Minecraft: Building More Than Just Blocks

Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows users to build and explore their own worlds. It offers various modes, including survival, creative, and adventure, each with its unique set of challenges and opportunities.


  • Creativity: Minecraft offers virtually limitless possibilities for creative expression, from building intricate structures to creating complex mechanical systems.
  • Educational: The game features various elements that can be educational, including resource management, geometry, and even basic programming through its ‘Redstone’ system.
  • Collaboration: Minecraft allows for multiplayer gaming, fostering teamwork and social interaction.


  • Addiction: The immersive nature of the game can make it addictive, leading to excessive screen time and potential neglect of other responsibilities.
  • Online Interactions: The game’s multiplayer mode allows for interaction with other players, increasing the risk of exposure to inappropriate content or interactions.
  • Inappropriate Mods: Minecraft’s open nature allows for user-created modifications, some of which may be inappropriate or harmful.

Risk: The Underlying Concerns

The risks associated with these platforms can be categorised into three main types: Content Risks, Contact Risks, and Conduct Risks, aligning with ISO 27001 and NIST standards.

  • Content Risks: Exposure to harmful or inappropriate material.
  • Contact Risks: The potential for harmful interactions with other users, including strangers.
  • Conduct Risks: The risk of engaging in harmful behaviour, either to oneself or others, including cyberbullying and oversharing of personal information.

Risk Mitigation: Strategies for a Safer Online Experience

Ensuring a safer online environment for your children involves a well-rounded approach that integrates practical safety measures, ongoing education, and vigilant oversight.

  • Practical Safety Measures: Implement parental controls on your children’s devices and within the apps they use. Adjust privacy settings to limit who can contact them and what kind of content they can access.
  • Ongoing Education: Make cyber safety a regular topic of discussion in your household. Educate your children about the potential risks they face online and how to handle them responsibly.
  • Vigilant Oversight: Periodically review your children’s online activities. This doesn’t mean spying on every move they make, but rather maintaining an open dialogue and occasionally checking in to ensure they’re following safe practices.


We invite you to delve into the case study below, which serves as a real-world example of the dangers that can affect our children on seemingly harmless gaming platforms like Roblox. While this case study illuminates one specific risk, it’s crucial to understand that it represents just one scenario among a myriad of potential dangers lurking in the digital landscape. A balanced strategy that incorporates practical safety measures, ongoing education, and vigilant oversight is essential. By understanding the unique features and inherent risks of each social platform, parents can implement effective safety measures, ensuring not only a safer but also a more responsible online experience for their children.


Case Study:



This case study aims to shed light on the risks associated with online gaming platforms, focusing on a real-life incident involving a young gamer coerced by an online predator on Roblox. The predator used in-game currency as a lure to engage the child in inappropriate conversations. This study aligns with cybersecurity and cyber safety industry standards, including ISO 27001 and NIST, to analyse the incident and recommend preventive measures.

Incident Overview

Platform: Roblox
Victim: A 12-year-old gamer (referred to as “Alex” for anonymity)
Perpetrator: An unidentified online predator
Method of Coercion: Offering in-game currency in exchange for inappropriate conversations

Incident Timeline

  1. Initial Contact: The predator initiated contact with Alex under the guise of a fellow gamer.
  2. Building Trust: Over a period of two weeks, the predator engaged in regular gaming sessions with Alex, building a rapport.
  3. Introduction of Incentives: The predator offered Robux (Roblox’s in-game currency) as a reward for completing gaming challenges.
  4. Coercion: The predator then offered a significant amount of Robux in exchange for engaging in inappropriate conversations.
  5. Discovery: Alex’s parents discovered the inappropriate conversations during a routine check of their child’s online activities.

Risk Factors

  1. Anonymity: The anonymous nature of Roblox allowed the predator to create a false identity.
  2. Lack of Monitoring: Alex’s gaming sessions were not actively monitored, providing the predator with an opportunity to engage without immediate detection.
  3. In-game Currency: The use of Robux as an incentive made the offer more enticing to the young gamer.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

  1. Parental Controls: Implement stringent parental controls to restrict chat functionalities and limit interactions to known friends.
  2. Active Monitoring: Employ monitoring tools that flag inappropriate conversations and alert parents in real-time.
  3. Education: Educate children on the risks associated with online gaming and the importance of reporting any suspicious activities.

General Cyber Safety Recommendations

  1. Information Safeguarding: Make it a rule that certain types of personal information, such as real names, ages, schools, and locations, should never be shared online. Educate your children on the importance of this rule to ensure their safety.

  2. User Responsibility and Awareness: Instill in your children the understanding that they have a crucial role in their own online safety. This includes safeguarding passwords, being cautious with links and downloads, and immediately reporting any uncomfortable or suspicious interactions to a trusted adult.

  3. Routine Safety Checks: Regularly review and update the security settings on your children’s devices and within the apps they use. Make it a habit to periodically check their online activities and interactions to ensure they are following safe practices. Employ parental control software as an additional layer of security.


The case involving Alex serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent risks that come with online platforms like Roblox. While these platforms offer enriching experiences in terms of social interaction and skill development, they are not without their dangers, particularly for younger users. By adhering to these general cyber safety guidelines, parents can take a proactive stance in mitigating these risks and fostering a safer online environment for their children.

This case study aims to serve as both a cautionary tale and a practical guide for parents, educators, and policymakers. It highlights the potential dangers lurking in online gaming platforms and offers actionable, understandable steps to bolster cyber safety measures.

By implementing these general cyber safety recommendations, parents can significantly enhance the online safety landscape for their children, guarding them against a myriad of digital risks.